Post on 17 Nov, 2021, By Administrator
“Eikhoni gaon bukurapun , Eyatedekhunotunxopun , Eigaonapunapun. Eigaon Nisei apun”.
These lines sung by the legendary singer Dipen Baruah, sum up the drive of one of our BVL coaches, JunmoniDeori.
A chance encounter with a bunch of enthusiastic and energetic kids, brought Junmoni back to her roots and Volleyball. 47 year old Junmoni from Jorhat, who once played in the junior national team is now nurturing more than 35 upcoming Volleyball players in her village. She believes this is her small attempt to give back to her state and the game.
Junmoni was born and brought up in Jorhat. As a child, she was always full of life and ended up participating in one sport or the other. She started playing Volleyball when she was in the 6th standard and continued playing for her school and district. In the year 1991, she navigated her way from the Disrtict to the National level when she was selected to play in the Junior National Championship, held in Kolkata (then Calcutta).
Interestingly, Junmoni was also very good with the Badminton Racquet and has won many accolades for JaganathBarooah (JB) College, Jorhat.
Her association with BVL isserendipitous. “Last year during the pandemic, I was involved with Covid-19 relief work in Kherbari (Guwahati). One day, on my way to provide relief material to the village, I met a bunch of energetic teenagers who told me about BVL. I was surprised to know that they were keen to learn volleyball and how BVL has provided them with a platform to play and hone their talent. It was the first time I had heard about the Brahmaputra Volleyball League (BVL) and I was pleasantly surprised. It almost sounded like a much needed good news during such tough times and the fact that it was taking place in my own state, doubled my joy. How could I have stopped myself from joining this movement?”, says Junmoni.“BVL also became my moment of truth to get back to the sport, this time not for myself but for these children. This year I am training more than 35 children as a BVL coach.”
Junmoni runs her family business and takes time out every day from her busy schedule to train these kids. She is very hopeful that BVL will groom a lot of players for the state and the country. Junmoni has a big dream for her mentees - to bring glory to the state and she is hopeful that “all of us will together, applaud every milestone achieved by these children and BVL”.
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